Celebrate the 2023 recipients of our historic preservation awards!
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Pittsburgh’s Immaculate Conception Church was added to Preservation Pennsylvania’s Pennsylvania At Risk in 2022, after the church was closed by the Archdiocese of Pittsburgh. The building faces several challenges, including intense development pressure, pressing maintenance issues, and the challenges of finding an appropriate reuse. While Pittsburgh has a number of outstanding houses of worship in various styles, the Immaculate Conception Church is unlike any other religious building in the region.
Read moreJune’s webinar featured Dr. Whitney Martinko discussing her book Historic Real Estate: Market Morality and the Politics of Preservation in the Early United States. The webinar was presented in partnership with our colleagues at the Preservation League of New York State. If you weren’t able to attend, watch the webinar recording.
Read moreThe American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) offers a historic opportunity for counties and local municipalities to invest in local projects, programs and organizations. This webinar will explain why and how you can find funding for historic preservation and economic redevelopment projects in your community. Presented by Pennsylvania Downtown Center and Preservation Pennsylvania.
Read moreThe American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) offers a historic opportunity for counties and local municipalities to invest in local projects, programs and organizations. This webinar will explain why and how you can find funding for historic preservation and economic redevelopment projects in your community.
Read moreIn Historic Real Estate: Market Morality and the Politics of Preservation in the Early United States, Whitney Martinko shows how Americans in the fledgling United States pointed to evidence of the past in the world around them and debated whether, and how, to preserve historic structures as permanent features of the new nation’s landscape.
Read morePreservation Pennsylvania welcomed Bonnie McDonald, President & CEO of Landmarks Illinois, to give the keynote talk at our 2021 Honor Awards. The Relevancy Project is a forward-looking effort to catalogue the issues and challenges of the preservation field as it exists and to instigate change to help build a more relevant and just movement.
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